Bob Graham

Books Collection

Soft skills to rule the world

55 Soft Skills to

Rule the World (2024)

The majority of success or failure in work or group situations stems from people problems, commonly called soft skills.One study suggests that 85% of workplace success can be tied to how well someone uses these skills. Most of us don't have a clue what they are or how to use them since little time in grade school, college and even MBA programs focus on this important skillset. It's not objective, meaning it's difficult to test, unlike math or grammar.In this engaging and easy-to-read book, Bob Graham of SpearPoint and SpearPoint Ink, explains in simple, clear language what soft skills are. He provides simple examples of each of the 55 that he and his research partner, Dr. Tobin Porterfield, identified as critical to workplace success in 2016 academic research.

Bob Graham brings forth more than 40 years of experience as a journalist, marketer, English and marketing professor, and business coach to guide you on how to write a book using his five-step system. Most people who struggle with writing a book get stuck, overwhelmed or experience “writer’s block” not because they cannot write, but because they haven’t planned what they want and need to write enough before setting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Although focused on nonfiction, this book’s process and information can help anyone who wants everything from powerful emails to research and everything in between.

Writing With POWER:  Taking Your Book from  Dream to Done

Writing With POWER:

Taking Your Book from

Dream to Done (2024)

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Alignable Tips, Tricks,  and Secrets for Small  Business Success

Alignable Tips, Tricks,

and Secrets for Small

Business Success (2023)

Alignable, a growing business networking platform, has been operating for nearly 10 years and, oddly, a book explaining best practices and strategies for boosting small business through it has not been written. While Alignable launched in 2014, its growth into one of several go-to business networking platforms for small business owners, rivaling and perhaps exceeding the power of LinkedIn, began in 2021, after the arrival of Covid 19. In April 2023, Alignable said it has 8 million subscribers in 35,000 communities (networks of people with similar interests on its platform) all over the world.Alignable Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Small Business Success, the ebook released in October 2023, is produced by Bee Savvy, which provides businesses with a software toolkit to improve sales and marketing efforts. Bee Savvy's chief executive, Duarne Bernhagen and Graham met over Alignable, shared their concerns about the platform and offered each other tips. Within hours of that first meeting, they set out to create the first book of its kind. The Alignable ebook provides detailed instructions for setting up a business profile on the platform, along with how to leverage connections and recommendations, and other tips and tricks for finding potential clients. Alignable is primarily built to serve business-to-business companies. While Graham wrote the book, Bernhagen provided a tough technical review of all content to ensure its accuracy.

The Renegade Way provides entrepreneurs and others trying to carve their own unique pathway to success with information and ammunition to keep fighting the fight. Combining his own entrepreneurial journey with those of business owners he has coached, Bob Graham provides a tribute and call to every entrepreneur to keep at it. Developed from his work with The Renegade Success Network, an online group formed during Covid 19, the book provides strategies to not allow the many potential stumbling blocks and setbacks deter entrepreneurs from building out With a foreword by Tom Brush, his partner in The Renegade Success Network and the Today’s Antidote podcast, the book is a must-read for anyone who envisions something big, yet can get deterred by people who don’t understand or appreciate their passion and fortitude.The book provides inspiration and motivation to keep going to become the Renegade you are meant to be.

The Renegade Way

The Renegade Way (2021)

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The 55 Soft Skills That  Guide Employee and Organizational Success

The 55 Soft Skills That

Guide Employee and Organizational Success (2017)

Most people have heard of soft skills and perhaps can list one or two. The authors, Dr. Tobin Porterfield and Bob Graham, both university professors with extensive business backgrounds, have uncovered a list of 55 soft skills that employees and organizations are increasingly unleashing to spur innovation and growth.This book lists each of the 55 soft skills, drawn from a review of hundreds of academic articles and their experiences in various industries, including manufacturing, energy, publishing and start-ups. The book also explores how each of the soft skills might appear in the workplace. The result is a book that explains an important driver for success in this hyper-competitive, technology-first business climate.By blending soft skills with people's technical skills, those aptitudes, competencies and expertise most education focuses on, employees and organizations can overcome challenges in today's complex workplace. As organizations, and the leaders and employees that work for them, seek a new edge to achieve greater productivity and innovation, focusing greater attention on soft skills could be the difference maker.The authors discusses better-known soft skills like emotional intelligence, written communication and listening, as well as unrecognized soft skills like empathy, adapting to change and persistence. Written in an easy-to-read, actionable style, each chapter, which addresses a specific soft skill, serves as a powerful springboard for looking at work in new, exciting ways.The 55 Soft Skills That Guide Employee and Organizational Success is perfect for executives, leaders and employees in all fields, at all levels.

The first travel book of Baltimore, published in 1998 by Insiders Guide, Bob Graham coauthored (with Linda Case Lambert) this book that provided insights into the history, charm and opportunities to explore the city where Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner.” As a life-long resident of the Balitmiore area, Graham wrote chapters  on restaurants, popular sights, history, sports, arts, culture and other key aspects of Charm City. The book, now out of publication, provided residents and travelers with unparalleled insights into one of the earliest cities in the United States.

The Insider's Guide  to Baltimore

The Insider's Guide

to Baltimore (1998)

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