Writing Tips

Keyboard for person writing business book using POWER Process

Can I Really Write a Book?

February 01, 20242 min read

Let me answer the question I raised with a loud, "Yes."

Allow me to make my case. Most people who might write a book are thwarted by their past writing experience. They think that it should be easier or quicker than it is.

Maybe someone told them that something they wrote wasn't any good or that they wrote poorly in general. They bought into the theory, sabotaging any chance they had of ever writing a book.

The fact of the matter is that anyone can write a book.

Let me say that again: Anyone can write a book.

Every single human being has something to say. Something that the world needs to learn about before you leave Earth.

For many of us, because we spend so much of our life building our careers, this seems like the most likely area for us to write about.

Most of the people I have helped with business books were not the best writers. Not one has told me that they were the best writer in their high school or college classes. Not one.

Like the hundreds of college students I taught writing to, I was able to help them find, shape and present their ideas in written form in ways that resonate with their readers. In their case, the readers are their clients and prospects.

We know when their prose works when we see people respond to their book.

Joseph C. Conroy, a financial planner in Maryland, wrote a book, Decades and Decisions: Financial Planning at Any Age, that generated nearly immediate referrals to his company. His book is built on stories he developed in the first few years of his career, and it speaks to people who are trying to figure out how to plan for their futures.

Joe never told me he was a great writer. What he had was something to say, people he wanted to say it to and a willingness to sit in front of a keyboard and bang out words that would ultimately be shaped into the book he proudly shares with clients and prospects.

You could be like Joe. I know you can be. My POWER Process is designed to make that quicker and easier. All you have to do is contact me to get started.

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Bob Graham

Bob Graham is the founder and CEO of SpearPoint, which helps business people write books using his POWER Process to generate new clients and business. A trained journalist with years of experience in marketing/public relations, business and teaching, he harnesses the lessons he uses each day to write to make writing easier and quicker for people who want to be authors of business books. He has written for newspapers and magazines, and his words have been used on countless websites, in brochures and speeches, and in business plans and marketing campaigns. He wrote The Renegade Way, and he co-authored The 55 Soft Skills That Guide Employee and Organizational Success and The Insider's Guide to Baltimore. He also has taught English, journalism, marketing and communications at various colleges and universities, including Johns Hopkins University, Towson University and Goucher College. In addition to coaching business people on how to write their business book, he also serves as a business coach, helping mostly small business owners find new strategies to scale their businesses. His clients have ranged from startups to established businesses been in a wide range of industries, including insurance, law, lumber, financial services, technology, energy, apparel and automotive. He graduated from Towson University with a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication with a Journalism concentration, and holds a Master's degree from The American University in Communications with a concentration on Journalism and Public Affairs.

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