Telling your story in a book may seem daunting, not to mention time-consuming and complicated. Did you know fewer than 1% of the population that wants to write a book ever actually completes one.

How sad that we don't get to read someone's perspective in a book.

Our POWER Process makes it easier than ever to write a book that will make you proud to hand out and sign, a book that clients and others can't wait to read.

If you have an idea for a book, we can guide you to become its author.

From planning to writing to design and printing - and everything in between - we help people become published authors.

Tell the Story of You & Your Business

Nothing gives you greater credibility and authority than being the author of your own book.

Your book can explain your superpower, business philosophy and how you help your ideal clients.

Show clients you know their challenges, provide case studies and help them recognize you as the best resource to overcome their obstacles.

Tell the Story of Your Life & Legacy

You have built a successful business, career or interest. You don't want your insights, your experiences and your lessons learned to disappear.

You want no, you need - to put it all on paper so you and others cannot forget you. and your contributions.

But where to start? How do you put it all together so it reflects favorably on you and your legacy?

What's Preventing You from Writing YOUR Book?

  • You don't think you write well enough .

  • You don't have the time.

  • You don't know how to structure it.

  • You don't know how to get started.

  • You don't think people will buy or read it.

  • You don't know how to get it published.

  • You don't know how it could be used to promote your business.

  • You keep finding excuses to put it off.

Learn How the POWER Process Can Make You an Author -- Fast!

You've Been Duped

Writing isn't as challenging as your English teachers and society makes it out to be.

As a former English teacher, with more than 30 years of professional writing and marketing experience, I have developed many simple techniques to make writing a book as fast and as seamless as writing emails or texts.

Authors of Books:

  • Gain instant credibility and authority

  • Leave a lasting legacy

  • Show you understand your ideal client's and their problems.

  • Explain in detail how your solution solves those problems.

  • Provide clients and others easy opportunities to make referrals.

  • Obtain speaking engagements and podcast interviews to spread the word

  • Enjoy a social media and marketing roadmap that you can use constantly

A Financial Advisor's Book Report


P: Positioning

By digging deep into the specifics of your client and what they need from you, we can identify exactly what should fill the pages of your book. Then, we can decide between a SuperBook that showcases your business superpower, or a POWER Book that provides more insights on you and your business.

O: Outlining

Writer's block does not exist. Authors who fail to plan, plan to fail when writing their story. We begin with outlining your business information specifically or as broadly as you choose. This includes success stories, customer journey stories and other valuable information about your business. Your book will practically write itself with little effort.

W: Writing

With an effective plan for what to write, as described in your detailed outline, writing becomes easy -- and often fun. You avoid Writer's Block, Blank Page Syndrome and any other affliction that stood in your way of writing. You will actually look forward to your one hour of writing time each day.

E: Editing

Don't just think about grammar and punctuation. Behind every great writer is an even better editor. In this case, since I know your audience, your outline, and the goals you set for your book, I can ensure your book meets your clients' needs and engages them.

R: Releasing

The goal of the book has always been to put it in the hands of people who can help you grow your business. With my proven strategies of using signed books and other marketing tools to highlight your authorship, you highlight yourself in the presence of competitors. This in turn will attract new clients eager to work with the author you have become.

What Do You Need To Become An Author?

Becoming an author of a book that serves people is easier than you think.

We have coaxed words out of a wide range of people. We have guided business owners to write books in a range of fields -- insurance, financial services, sales and even photography.

Which flavor is yours?

A. You write and we edit and revise.

B. You provide audio files that we revise into chapters.

C. You provide concepts, ideas and anecdotes and we write it.

D. A hybrid involving one or more of these approaches or something else.

It doesn't matter to us, just as long as great words are hitting the page.

Our proven POWER Process works to maximize your time and effort and minimize stress that paralyzes non-professional writers. It will also relieve your worry about what to say that causes others to quit writing.

If you have the following, you are ready:

  • A firm that's prepared to handle more business

  • The recognition that whatever your English teacher said most likely no longer applies

  • An openness to collaboration

  • A willingness to become an author and promote yourself as one

  • A desire to use the power of words to change people's lives for the better

  • 1 hour to 90 minutes a day for up to four months



Effective communication is at the heart of every successful business. My outside perspective generates insights, both obvious and hidden, that will spark clearer, more engaging communications that drive growth.


Tired of the same old, same old? Shake things up. Drawing on techniques I cultivated in college classrooms and as a journalist, our sessions are engaging and lead to actionable, inspiring, and exciting plans.


As a speaker in national, regional and local platforms, I help companies use my engaging, insightful presentations to spur change. Topics include Becoming an Effective Leader, Shifting from Manager to Leader, Having the Difficult Discussions, Communicating with Power, as well as presentations on leadership, time management, and leadership.


I guide business owners to overcome common challenges. They range from product design and pricing to time management and prioritizing; from sales and marketing to process design and improvement, and leadership to implementing an exit strategy. Make better business decisions with my help.


What Our Clients Say

"Bob Graham is my business Buddha.....Just so you know this morning's call with you was probably the single most important call to date. Thank you! I believe I have made a breakthrough."

Eric Dexter


"Bob is like a Swiss army knife for your business."

Brendan McAdams

Entrepreneur and Author

"It was great experience working with you on this branding project for This is one of the happiest invoices I have had to pay."

Terry MacGregor

Business Owner

"I appreciate all the professional help you gave me with my book. I had never done anything like this before. Your help with getting everything in the correct order made the piece look much more professional. Your suggestions with several areas made the information more understandable to the average person. Your selection of the cover made for a more sellable book. The marketing suggestions you made helped me pass my sales goal."

Bob Porterfield


"We worked together to identify the right audience, the right message for that audience and how I can draw from my experiences to tell a powerful story that helps me achieve my big business goals while giving the audience what they need. His system and coaching made what seemed complicated so much easier and fun. He’s a wealth of information who is dedicated to helping executives accomplish big breakthroughs. I feel inspired and with much clearer direction thanks to Bob!"

Dr. Dori Gatter

Psychologist and Business Coach

"The most impressive aspect of Bob's style of work is that he consumed himself in our culture and services. He truly inhaled our culture, studied our history, learned about our services and goals, and examined us thoroughly prior to even starting the project....Bob is a consummate professional with a a wealth of innovative knowledge in an ever-changing world of marketing. He is highly attentive, masterful in his human relation skills, excellent problem-solver, prudent decision-maker and extremely flexible in his work style. His work ethic, integrity, character and how he conducts himself is beyond reproach -- a truly refreshing energy."

Sandy Meagher

Corporate Fitness Firm Owner


What makes you different?

My commitment is unfailingly to your clients. As a former journalist, I have refined my ability to be objective and quickly assess situations. I'm going to provide honest, constructive feedback on your work in a way that encourages and inspires you to achieve more. Having worked with hundreds of business owners and more than a thousand college students, I have learned how to deliver messages on writing and other topics with finesse and tact. In all cases, I will work with you to deliver tailor-made solutions that resonate with your specific audience and goals. I'm not just your partner; I am your brand's advocate and storyteller.

I have a marketing department. Why engage you?

The marketing folks may argue (which only proves the point more); however, marketing departments tend to fall into a "groupthink" approach. Thinking the same way or using confirmation bias to make decisions can cripple the best communications. My work should never be seen as a threat. I can help you become more successful at engaging customers by providing the outside perspective and new approaches; For example, a book written specifically for marketing, that your marketing team may discourage, knowing they might struggle in executing it.

How do you measure success?

Sales, sales, sales. When you become more in tune with your customers and their situations, you will see more sales. It's that simple.

What's your process?

I help authors clarify their vision and their audience; craft an outline; identify and compress their anecdotes and examples; draft the pages section by section; review and help them revise; edit and proofread the manuscript; and print and publish the manuscript. In addition, for some authors, I help market and promote their book to target audiences.

When I am helping companies with their communications, I meet with key players to identify objectives and approaches. Then I talk to customers, prospects and other stakeholders to evaluate messaging and to identify areas to consider moving forward.

Do I need more than an idea for a book?

Absolutely not. You don't even need much of an idea. I have drawn books from the most unlikely of writers. I have worked with authors in every phase of the book creation process -- from concept to outlining, first draft to printing. What helps most is to have a good idea of what you want to say, who you want to say it to and why they should care. If you don't know all that, I am skilled at helping you.

What would I do with a book I write?

Four big things, not to mention the incredible joy that comes from seeing your thoughts and ideas in a form that can outlast you.

First, putting your ideas to paper clarifies them for you and others who read the book. Second, it's a great touch point with your clients, who, if invited, might share a copy with friends, meaning easy referrals. Third, nothing separates you from your competitors better than sending prospects an autographed book reinforcing your ideas.

Fourth, the best -- absolute best -- business card is a book you write and sign. Few people can discard a book with the author's autograph. Even better, people like to place these books in prominent locations in their offices and homes, which gives you access to everyone who visits as potential clients.